Managed Relocation Under A Changing Climate: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Further specifics and registration details will be made available here soon.

A highly debated management approach for promoting species’ responses to climate change is managed relocation: translocating individuals to a climate anticipated to be more suitable under future conditions than their current location. For some species, managed relocation might represent one of few possible actions to take to promote persistence under climate change. However, such an intervention entails a variety of risks, from moving a population or species at the wrong time or to the wrong place, to disrupting local adaptation, to causing accidentally invasive species. A rapidly-expanding scholarship has begun to explore, evaluate, and synthesize the scientific, economic, ethical, and legal considerations for engaging in managed relocation. Meanwhile, managers are already engaging in translocations using a variety of approaches across marine, freshwater, and terrestrial systems.

One possible framing of this controversy that can allow scientists and managers to move from debate to decision is: what information and decision-making approach are necessary to increase the likelihood of success and reduce the likelihood of risks to engaging in managed relocation? Addressing this question requires scientists to understand how managers make decisions about translocations, as well as managers to understand the tools and information available to quantify risks and benefits. To achieve this exchange, this day-long symposium will bring together scientists and managers considering managed relocation in a variety of systems. The central goals of the symposium are to (1) inform scientists on the decision-making process for translocations, (2) inform managers on the latest decision-support tools and related information emerging from science, and (3) promote

Event Dates

Starts: December 04, 2017 8:30am

Ends: December 04, 2017 17:00pm

UC Davis Campus