Central and Coastal Subregion Natural Community Conservation Plan/Habitat Conservation Plan

Type: other

Article abstract: Orange County approved the NCCP/HCP, pursuant to Resolution No. 96-254A. The execution of this Agreement constitutes the formal approval of the NCCP/HCP by USFWS, CDFG, TCA and the Cities. The execution of this Agreement constitutes th legal commitment by all of the signatory Parties to implemtne the NCCP/HCP.

Number of pages: 217

Month: July

Year: 1996

Purpose: This is an Implementaion agreement between the stakeholders of the Orange County NCCP.

Prepared for: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; California Department of Fish and Wildlife; County of Orange;

Prepared by: R.J. Meade Consulting, Inc.;

Keywords: adaptive management; cactus wren; California gnatcatcher; candidate species; CDFG; conservation plans; Corridors; County of Orange; covered habitats; HCP; landowners; mitigation; NCCP;
