Final Multiple Species Conservation Program MSCP Plan

Type: report

Article abstract: The Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP) is a comprehensive habitat conservation planning program that addresses multiple species habitat needs and the preservation of native vegetation communities for a 900-square-mile area in southwestern San Diego County. It is one of three subregional habitat planning efforts in San Diego County (Figure 1-1 ), which contribute to preservation of regional biodiversity through coordination with other habitat conservation planning efforts throughout southern California. The MSCP will allow local jurisdictions (Figure 1-2) to maintain land use control and development flexibility by planning a regional preserve system that can meet future public and private project mitigation needs. The MSCP Plan does not impose major new restrictions on land use. Rather, the plan is designed to streamline and coordinate existing procedures for review and permitting of project impacts to biological resources.

Number of pages: 229 pp. plus attachments

Month: August

Year: 1998

Publisher: City of San Diego

Purpose: San Diego MSCP/NCCP Plan Document

Prepared by: City of San Diego;

Keywords: conservation plans; MSCP; NCCP Planning Documents;