ITIS Basic Information
Common Name: California Adolphia
Scientific Name: Adolphia californica
Species Code:
Management Category: VG (species not specifically managed for, but may benefit from vegetation management for VF species)
Occurrence Map

Historically present
Currently present
Currently not detected
Table of Occurrences

Current Distribution Rangewide

Ranges from southwest San Diego County to Baja California [1].

Known Populations in San Diego County

Occurrences found in MU2 (Switzer Canyon, Florida Canyon, Rancho Mission Park, Chollas), MU3 (San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Sweetwater Resrvoir Open Space, City of Chula Vista Central City Preserve, MU4 (Sabre Springs), and MU6 (Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve,Del Mar Mesa Open Space, Lusardi Creek Preserve, Black Mountain Open Space Park).

List Status


Habitat Affinities

Primary habitat associations in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and valley and foothill grassland communities [1,2]. Often found in clay soils [1,3].

Taxonomy and Genetics

In the Rhamnacaea family [1].

Life History Demography

A perennial deciduous shrub [1].

Seasonal Phenology

Blooms from December to May [1,2].

Pollination Seed Dispersal

No information.


Threatened by urbanization, road construction, nonnative plants, development, and grazing [1].

Literature Sources

[1] California Native Plant Society, Rare Plant Program. 2017. Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (online edition, v8-03 0.39). Website [accessed 27 September 2017]

[2] "California Adolphia." 2017. CalFlora.

[3] Skinner, M.W., and B.M. Pavlik, eds. 1997 (1994). Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California. 1997 Electronic Inventory Update of 1994 5th edition, California Native Plant Society, Special Publication No. 1, Sacramento.