Historically present | |
Between 2000 and | |
Last 10 years |
Goal: Protect, enhance, and restore least Bell's vireo occupied and historically occupied habitat to create resilient, self-sustaining populations that provide for persistence over the long-term (>100 years).
Management units: 1, 6, 8
In 2017-2019, conduct surveys for least Bell's vireo and habitat assessment to compare population status and recovery in the MSPA before, during, and after SHB/Fusarium complex in infested habitat over time at the Tijuana River Valley and other sites, if funding available, such as Camp Pendelton and San Luis Rey River. Prepare site-specific management recommendations based on survey results and habitat assessments.
Action | Statement | Action status | Projects |
SURV-1 | Submit monitoring data and management recommendations to MSP web portal | In progress |
Criteria | Deadline year |
Least Bell's Vireo Surveys and Reports Completed by 2020 | 2021 |
Threat Name | Threat Code |
Altered hydrology | ALTHYD |
Climate change | CLICHN |
Human uses of the Preserves | HUMUSE |
Invasive plants | INVPLA |
Parasitism/disease | |
Urban development | URBDEV |
Management units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11
In 2020, if least Bell's vireo survey results indicate management is needed to reduce impacts from SHB/Fusarium infestation, then develop a management plan that incorporate SHB/Fusarium monitoring and management and prioriotize management recommendations.
Action | Statement | Action status | Projects |
PRP-1 | Prioritize management actions, focusing on reducing threats and expanding occurrences in areas most likely to remain viable over the long-term in the context of future land development. | waiting for precedent action | |
PRP-2 | Develop a management plan for least Bell's vireo that prioritizes management actions for the next five years. | waiting for precedent action | |
PRP-3 | Submit management plan to MSP web portal | waiting for precedent action |
Criteria | Deadline year |
Management Plan for Least Bell's Vireo Completed by 2021 | 2021 |
Threat Name | Threat Code |
Altered hydrology | ALTHYD |
Climate change | CLICHN |
Human uses of the Preserves | HUMUSE |
Invasive plants | INVPLA |
Parasitism/disease | |
Urban development | URBDEV |
Management units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11
Beginning in 2021, implement the highest priority management actions for least Bell's vireo on Conserved Lands.
Action | Statement | Action status | Projects |
IMP-1 | Management actions to be determined by the management plan. | waiting for precedent action | |
IMP-2 | Submit project data and management actions to MSP web portal | waiting for precedent action |
Criteria | Deadline year |
Management actions implemented for Least Bell's Vireo | 2021 |
Threat Name | Threat Code |
Altered hydrology | ALTHYD |
Climate change | CLICHN |
Human uses of the Preserves | HUMUSE |
Invasive plants | INVPLA |
Parasitism/disease | |
Urban development | URBDEV |
Management units: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11
Beginning in 2021, monitor the effectiveness of management actions implemented for least Bell's vireo on Conserved Lands
Action | Statement | Action status | Projects |
IMP-1 | Submit monitoring data and reports to MSP web portal | waiting for precedent action |
Criteria | Deadline year |
Monitoring completed and data and report submitted within 1 year of management actions | 2021 |
Threat Name | Threat Code |
Altered hydrology | ALTHYD |
Climate change | CLICHN |
Human uses of the Preserves | HUMUSE |
Invasive plants | INVPLA |
Parasitism/disease | |
Urban development | URBDEV |
Metric | Condition | Trend | Confidence |
1. Occupied Grid CellsNumber of grid cells with a detection in the San Luis Rey River |
Good |
Improving |
High |
Artesian Creek Restoration
Approximately 300 acres along Artesian Creek, a tributary of the San Dieguito River, was restored to coastal sage or native riparian. The majority of restored land was previously used for grazing, with an additional two miles of riparian habitat. The project is located between Camino Del Sur and Del Dios Highway, just south and southwest of Lake Hodges. The restoration has been completed, but annual treatment of invasive species remains including ongoing treatment of eucalyptus, tamarix and palms. The focal invasive species included: mustard, French broom, Scotch broom, Spanish Fleabane, arundo, Austrailian salt bush, Brazilian Pepper, caster bean, lapidium latifolia, garland chrysanthemum, bridal creeper, Italian thistle, fountain grass, dittrichia graveolens, artichoke, eucalyptus, tree tobacco, acacia, palms, pampas grass, pride of Maderia, tamarix, and fennel.
Fairbanks Ranch/Rancho Santa Fe Invasive Removal and Stream Enhancement
The long-term goal of this project is to restore and enhance wetland/riparian habitat along 3 miles, 200 acres, of the San Dieguito River and reduce fire risk to the surrounding community. Key actions include non-native, invasive plant removal, revegetation with native species, volunteer training, community workshops and education of local residents on how to improve habitat and create Fire-Safe landscapes around their homes. A secondary goal of this project is to highlight the importance of diverse partnerships in conserving habitat along the San Dieguito River. For more information, go to: http://www.ranchosantafereview.com/news/local-news/sd-cm-rsf-restorationproject-20171101-story.html.
Least Bell's Vireo Surveys - Tijuana River Valley
In 2017, USGS conducted Least Bell's Vireo surveys at the Tijuana River to document the species' status 2 years after the Kuroshio Shothole Borer/Fusarium Dieback infestation and compare it to historic vireo abundance and distribution.
Lusardi Creek Restoration and Invasive Plant Removal
This project is working to eradicate invasive species and support native plants along Lusardi Creek. Many areas have already been treated and are recruiting natives naturally. Other areas are being planted with natives after invasive plant removal. The current goals include: 1) treat artichoke in several upland areas, 2) continue removing tamarix in the creek, 3) treat any regrowing Peruvian pepper, 4) treat any remaining pampas grass or tree tobacco, 5) work on an overall restoration plan. See the map link below for detailed treatment information.
Monitoring and Documentation of Post-Fire Recovery of Riparian Bird Community
A 2-year study on the effects of fire on the riparian bird community in San Diego County. Tasks included documenting the effects of the 2007 fires on endangered birds, in particularly, the Least Bell's Vireo, and monitoring post-fire recovery of the entire riparian breeding bird community.
Quarry Creek Preserve Fencing Project
SDHC will install additional fencing to prevent trespassers from entering vulnerable areas of the preserve that have historically been disturbed by trespassers and encampments. This project was partially funded by SANDAG TransNet EMP Land Management Grant #S1125500.
SR 94 Wildlife Infrastructure Plan
Proposed road improvements to SR 94 provide an opportunity to mitigate the potential barrier effects of the highway. This project identifies where improvements to existing infrastructure on SR-94 could improve connectivity across the South County preserves, using Best Management Practices from the scientific literature; recommends wildlife movement monitoring to identify where new crossings are needed; and identifies where additional conservation would enhance the integrity of South County linkages. The review prioritizes infrastructure improvements of 35 existing undercrossings inspected by wildlife experts in the field along 14.6 miles of SR-94 where the highway bisects conserved lands. The majority of the recommendations for infrastructure improvement focus on increasing the diameter, and thus the openness ratio (cross-sectional area divided by length), of the undercrossing itself, removing vegetation and debris blocking the undercrossing, restoring habitat in the approach to the undercrossing, and installing fencing to both (1) keep animals off the highway and (2) funnel wildlife to the undercrossings.
The historic breeding range was centered in the San Joaquin, Sacramento and Central Valleys and extended south to Baja California. Despite a large increase in overall population numbers over the last few decades, most nesting occurs from Santa Barbara County southward and from northwestern Baja California south to at least Cataviña, while the vireo is rare in the northern part of its historic range. Southern California supports 99% of the total population, with 54% in San Diego County and 30% in Riverside County [1]. The range during the nonbreeding season includes the Cape region of Baja California, with stragglers in southern California [2; cited from 3].
Occurrences found in Anza Borrego Desert State Park, San Felipe Valley Wildlife Area, Bureau of Land Management, Barrett Reservoir Open Space, Cleveland National Forest, Tijuana River Valley Regional Park, Mission Trails Regional Park, El Capitan Reservoir Open Space, City of Escondido Open Space, San Luis Rey River Park, Kit Carson Park, Escondido Creek Preserve, Hodges Reservoir Open Space, Encinitas Creek, San Dieguito River Park, Santa Margarita River Park, 4-S Ranch Specific Plan Habitat Management, Los Jilgueros Preserve, Rosemary's Mountain, Otay Lakes Cornerstone Lands, Rancho Jamul Ecological Reserve, San Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Otay Ranch Preserve, Flood Control Channel Southern Wildlife Preserve, SD River Corp. City of Oceanside Open Space, Rainbow Water District, San Diego Revier Ecological Reserve, Rincon San Luiseno Band of Mission Indians, Groves Open Space, San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development, Faubus Farms, Pilgrim Creek Ecological Reserve, City of Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course, Wilmont and Morro Hills, Santa Margarita Preserve, Torrey Pines State NAtural Reserve, Border Field State Park, Hodges Reservoir Open Space, Sweetwater Reservoir Open Space, Buena Vista Creek Ecological Reserve, Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve, Lilca Ranch, Mount Miguel Open Space, McGinty Mountain Ecological Reserve, City of Chula Vista Central City Preserve, Tijuana Slough Natuinal Wildlife Refuge, Otay Valley Regional Park, San Vicente Reservoir Cornerstone Lands, Pamo Valley, Kit Carson Park (Refer to MOM for more sites).
Dependent upon riparian habitat during breeding season. Prefers willow-dominated woodland or scrub that typically exists along streams and rivers. Other habitat types used include Baccharis scrub, mixed oak/willow woodland, mesquite woodland, and elderberry scrub. Habitat characteristics that appear to be essential include dense cover from 1-2 meters in height for nesting and foraging, and a stratified canopy providing both foraging habitat and song perches for territorial advertisement [4]. Not limited in winter to willow-dominated riparian areas. Occupy a variety of habitats including mesquite scrub within arroyos, palm groves, and hedgerows bordering agricultural and residential areas [5,6]. During migration, uses coastal scrub, riparian, and other woodland habitats [7; cited from 5]. Elevational extremes of -54 m in Death Valley to 1260 m in Bishop, Inyo County [8; cited from 5].
No changes to taxonomic classification or accepted nomenclature have been published or proposed since listing [1]. Originally thought to be one of four subspecies of Bell's Vireo recognized by the American Ornithologist's Union [AOU 1957; cited from 5], recent research suggests they are not one species with four subspecies, but two species, each with two subspecies. Results support distinctiveness of the Least Bell’s Vireo as a taxon and its recognition as state and federally endangered [9].
Typically arrive on breeding grounds in southern California in mid-March through May, with majority of birds arriving during the latter half of April. In San Diego County, majority of population breeds along San Luis Rey and Santa Margarita rivers [10]. Nesting lasts from early April through July, but adults and juveniles remain on breeding grounds into late September/early October before migrating to wintering grounds in southern Baja California, Mexico [4,11]. Occasionally occur in California in the winter [5].
Males vocally conspicuous and sing throughout breeding season from exposed perches. Females arrive approximately 1-2 weeks after males, are more secretive, and often seen early in the season traveling through habitat with the male [11]. Typically breed in their first year as adults; breed in dense, low, early successional vegetation where they lay eggs at one-day intervals with three to four eggs per clutch, incubate for about 14 days, and fledge young about 10–12 days later [4,5,12]. Both sexes feed and brood nestlings. Fledged young may be cared for by both parents, or, if the pair renests, primarily by the male [5]. Monogamous, though may switch mates between successive nesting attempts within the same season and between years (serial monogamy) [5;6]. Will attempt to renest following unsuccessful nests and will occasionally raise two broods in the same season [4]. Have an open-cup nest placed in the horizontal fork of a tree or shrub branch and bound at the rim. Nests typically constructed of soft plant strips and shreds, leaf fragments, small pieces of bark, spider webs, and other material. Usually lined with soft substances such as plant down or hair [13; cited from 5].
Primarily insectivorous; takes a wide variety of prey species, including caterpillars, beetles, bugs, moths, grasshoppers [14 cited from 4;13 and 15 cited from 5] and small spiders in the breeding season [12]. Obtain prey primarily by foliage gleaning and hovering, with occasional use of hawking (pursuit and capture of flying prey) and clinging (hovering but with the feet in contact with the vegetation) [5]. Individuals may forage in woodlands or scrub habitat near nesting habitat, concentrated in lower to mid-canopies, especially when actively nesting [12,14; cited from 6]. Also forage in upland vegetation adjacent to riparian corridors particularly late in the season [16,17,18; cited from 6].
On average, 20% of first-time breeders dispersed away from natal drainages, with a higher proportion of males (22%) than females (13%) dispersing [Kus unpubl. data;5]. Site fidelity is high where they may place nests in the same shrub used in the previous year [18, Kus unpubl. data; cited from 5].
Threatened by loss of riparian habitat due to increased urbanization, agricultural practices, and invasive plant species. Nests also parasitized by the Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus aster) [1,5,6,19].
[1] U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2006. Least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) 5-year review: Summary and evaluation. Prepared by the Carlsbad Fish and Wildlife Office, Carlsbad, California.
[2] Ehrlich, P. R., D. S. Dobkin, and D. Wheye. 1992. Birds in jeopardy: the imperiled and extinct birds of the United States and Canada including Hawaii and Puerto Rico.
[3] NatureServe. 2015. NatureServe Explorer: An online encyclopedia of life [web application]. Version 7.1. NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available from: http://explorer.natureserve.org. Accessed: October 12, 2016.
[4] Wells, J. M., and B. E. Kus. 2001. Least Bell's Vireo surveys and nest monitoring at Anza Borrego Desert State Park in 2000.
[5] Kus, B. E. 2002. Least Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus). In The Riparian Bird Conservation Plan: a strategy for reversing the decline of riparian-associated birds in California. California Partners in Flight. http://www.prbo.org/calpif/htmldocs/riparian_v-2.html. Accessed October 5, 2016.
[6] DUDEK. 2014. Draft Least Bell's Vireo Account; Draft DRECP and EIR/EIS – Appendix Q, Baseline Biology Report; Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan and Environmental impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement
[7] Brown, B. T. 1993. Bell's Vireo: Vireo Bellii. American Ornithologists' Union.
[8] Grinnell, J. and A. Miller. 1944. The distribution of the birds of California. Pacific Coast Avifauna Nr. 27. Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. University of California, Berkeley.
[9] Klicka, L. B., B. E. Kus, and K. J. Burns. 2016. Conservation genomics reveals multiple evolutionary units within Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii). Conservation Genetics 17 (2): 455-471.
[10] Blundell, M. A. and B. E. Kus. 2011. First record of interspecific breeding of Least Bell's Vireo and White-eyed Vireo. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123 (3): 628-631.
[11] RECON Environmental, Inc. 2008. Least Bell's Vireos and Southwestern Willow Flycatchers at the San Luis Rey River Flood Control Project Area in San Diego County, California: Breeding Activities and Habitat Use. Prepared by the US Geological Survey Western Ecological Research Center, San Diego, California.
[12] Kus, B. E., S. L. Hopp, R. R. Johnson and B. T. Brown. 2010. Bell's Vireo (Vireo bellii), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/ bna/species/035. Accessed July 2011."
[13] Bent, A. C. 1950. Life histories of North American wagtails, shrikes, vireos, and their allies. Vol. 197. Courier Corporation.
[14] US Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Draft Recovery Plan for Least Bell’s Vireo. US Fish and Wildlife Service. Portland, Oregon. Prepared by the Portland Fish and Wildlife Office, Portland, Oregon.
[15] Chapin, E. A. 1925. Food habits of the vireos.
[16] Kus, B. E. and K. L. Miner. 1989. Use of Non-Riparian Habitats by Least Bell's Vireos.
[17] Gray, M. V. and J. M. Greaves. 1984. Riparian forest as habitat for the least Bell's vireo. California Riparian Systems: Ecology, Conservation and Productive Management, R. Warner and K. Hendrix, eds., Univ. California Press, Davis, California.
[18] Salata, L. R. 1983. Status of the Least Bell's Vireo on Camp Pendleton, California: research done in 1983. Final Report, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Laguna Niguel.
[19] Patten, M. A. "LEAST BELL'S VIREO.